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Facility Management for Employer

the final report of

The 2021 FM Training Outlook Survey

Published in June 2021 by the Professional Facility Management Institute (ProFMI) and Building Operating Management (BOM) magazine, reveals that: Employers and staff acknowledge a skills gap — the need for FM training to achieve:

Better job performance


Career Advancement

This study answered several key questions across four categories. Results are highlighted below.


The Value of FM Training

Do FM managers and staff recognize a need for facility management training? What is the impact of training, and how accessible is it to the FM workforce?

91% of facilities managers say there’s a gap between the knowledge and skills their team has and what they need to excel.

Training can make an impact, with 79% of FM managers saying that FM training and credentials result in better job performance.

61% of facility managers are planning to implement FM training this year.


Addressing the FM Skills Gap

What are the top priorities for facilities managers and staff when it comes to FM training?

FM managers identify Capital Planning and Compliance & Standards as their top training priorities for themselves.

FM managers say their team’s top training needs are Leadership Skills, Strategic Planning, Emergency Management and Communication.

FM staff say their top need for training is Capital Planning.


Pivot to Remote Work

How did the pandemic impact the jobs of facility managers and how did workplace shifts influence FM training priorities?

48% of FM professionals worked remotely at least one day per week, while 47% remained onsite throughout the pandemic. 5% of FM professionals were already working remotely prior to the pandemic.

For the 47% of FM professionals who remained on-site, Communication was the top team training priority, while those who worked remotely identified Emergency Management as their team’s top need.

72% of remote FM professionals said that credentials were more important now than in past years.

WE Deliver Value to FM Employers

Ensure Your Staff Have the Right Knowledge and Skills

We help our employers in:

Assessing for Hiring

Validate knowledge and skills held by job candidates.

Evaluating their competencies

Identify knowledge and skill gaps in your individual employees and entire FM team.

Delivering Training

Deliver quality Facility Management training to fill retirement gaps and prepare staff for advancement.

Build a Common Language

Build a knowledge foundation across functional areas to enhance communication and cooperation.

Return on Investment

Monitor individual and group progress throughout the course with online reporting to ensure completion.

Create development pathway

Work with our customers to create development journey through experiential learning, adult-based training, helping them merging new knowledge with existing experience and coaching.

We are closing the gap between the knowledge and skills your team has and what they need to excel.

WE Deliver a Customized Training Program Based on Your Organization's Unique Needs.

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